Applaud Blog

Continuous Integration for better code Quality

Written by Applaud | Aug 31, 2018 4:44:30 PM

At Applaud, we have adopted continuous integration as our standard way of developing code, and here’s why…

The Traditional problem, working in silos can create conflicts of data

In the traditional software development lifecycle, each developer takes the initial version of the code and starts making their changes. All developers in the team work simultaneously on their tasks and make a range of changes in the code. As the team finishes their code, they check it in to the central repository where several conflicts can occur during this integration. Solving conflicts can take a huge amount of time and effort. This traditional approach has a lot of negative repercussions to the business. Testing and fixing bugs can take massive amount of time resulting in project schedule failure or even complete project shut down.

What is Continuous Integration (CI)?

Continuous Integration (CI) is a Software development practice that allows developers to integrate their code into a shared repository frequently. Errors can be detected quickly as each check-in to the mail line can be tested by the developer by running a unit test case which can then be verified by an automated test script.

If a bug is reported in the initial stages of development, the cost of resolving the issue is less. However, if there is long duration in integrating the code with mail line, it makes it exponentially more difficult and costly to fix the problem. In the current environment where we work with stringent project timelines, it makes Continuous Integration even more important. Any major issues reported at the later stage of development can knock a project off-schedule, or cause catastrophic project failure.

Why Continuous Integration?

Continuous Integration can bring a stream of benefits.

  • Catch issues at early stage
  • Maintains code health
  • Reduced integration problems
  • Cost effective
  • Timely product delivery

The above listed benefits will ensure reduced risk levels in any project. When development teams integrate their work frequently, the gap is less between current version of the application and the version of application as developer has it. This makes it easier to debug any issues raised, as the amount of code to triage is less.

We at Applaud

We at Applaud have made the Continuous Integration paradigm for our software development process. We endeavour to provide top quality to our customers where the Applaud team completely understands the importance of the Continuous Integration process. We are aligned to follow the process and post an exemplary product quality within the project timelines. To ensure this happens, we have a process of nightly integration; everyday, developers keep on developing new code. This code is integrated to the mail line each night through an automated build process in the CI server. As soon as the build is complete, automated test scripts are executed to catch any bugs in the new code. Test reports are generated and mailed to the stakeholders to take any action if required.

By adopting Continuous Integration, we reduce risks and catch bugs quickly whilst also adding to working software quickly. With low risk releases, we can quickly adapt to dynamic business requirements allowing us to release the product which benefits our customers.

If you’d like to know more about Applaud and how our solutions could benefit your workforce please get in touch.