Start your 30-day free trial

Instant access to our AI-powered portal, knowledge management system and AI assistant. No credit card needed.

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Customize quick links, content and assigned learning to experience an HR portal personalized for each employee

demo icon 3 Upload your own knowledge documents and put our AI assistant to the test by asking it about the content 

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Free Trial upload documents preview
Free trial bias buster preview
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Experience a portal that gives HR full control and helps employees find exactly what they are looking for quickly.

Take tedious, repetitive questions off the HR service desk and leave your team to get on with the tasks that need a human touch.   

Knowledge_trend report

Our people portal:


❓ Gives your employees answers when they need them

😫 Stops your team being flooded with tedious requests

⛓️ Puts HR systems back in the hands of HR


Trusted by:

Quantifying today's people experience pain

Disjointed people experience

Copy of Icons-19-1
$11.40 ee/day1

Hard to find and too many clicks

Copy of Icons-08-1
$32 ee/day2


Copy of Icons-13-1
$2.24 ee/day4

Low first-year

Copy of Icons-11-1
80% of new hires quit3
  1. Using an average US company with revenue per employee of $230k, a 5% reduction in EX = a 1.81 reduction in sales. Source: IBM Financial Impact of a Positive Employee Experience.
  2. Employees lose 4 hours a week in lost productivity using an average cost to employer of $56 per employee per hour. Source: Forrester TEI Impact.
  3. Source: Yahoo News - 80% of hires receive poor onboarding
  4. HR lose 20 hours per week using an average cost to employer of $56 per employee per hour and 1.4 HR people for every 200 employees.
brouchure cover

Not ready for a free trial?

Enter your email to download our overview and learn:

  • How Applaud uses the power of advanced AI to help you deliver one, consumer-grade people experience.
  • A breakdown of our different products including AI assistant, intelligent portal and knowledge management.
  • What benefit Applaud customers have seen, including KPIs and metrics.