How has the HR Tech Work Tech landscape changed forever?

Hosted by:
JOSH BERSIN, HR Tech Futurist
DUNCAN CASEMORE, Co-Founder & CTO, Applaud

Josh Bersin | HR Tech Futurist Duncan Casemore | Applaud Co-Founder and CTO
DateSeptember 2021
Time25 minutes

How has the Work Tech landscape changed forever?

Monumental changes to the way we live and work have been forced into action as a result of the pandemic. Whilst we're there in mindset, the technology infrastructure that we had in place pre-2020 no longer serves the needs of today's workforce.

Together with Applaud co-founder & CTO Duncan Casemore, Josh Bersin will offer his opinion on the state of the HR tech landscape today and will look at why employee and manager expectations are driving a new era of digital transformation.

This webinar will cover:

  • How has consumer technology influenced expectations for work tech?
  • How important is it to create an agile digital HR environment?
  • Will personalizing the digital employee experience become a higher priority?

Watch the recording

Why is creating a good employee experience off and online so important?


Of employees cited poor in-job experience as their reason for leaving their last role



When you lose an employee within the first year, it costs you 3 times their annual salary to recruit, hire and train someone else 


The number of US workers that say they are engaged as an employee.

Most HR leaders already know how important employee experience is but are struggling to find the right platform to create a consistently high online and offline experience.

As a result, employees are leaving due to a poor experience, characterised by:

  • Poor internal communication
  • Outdated technology
  • Slow systems / programs