Help and assistance for existing Applaud clients.
Josh Bersin and Duncan Casemore take a closer look at the
consequences of a fragmented employee experience and
how the right technology can come to the rescue.
Watch the webinar now
Help and assistance for existing Applaud clients.
Josh Bersin and Duncan Casemore take a closer look at the
consequences of a fragmented employee experience and
how the right technology can come to the rescue.
Watch the webinar now
Help and assistance for existing Applaud clients.
Josh Bersin and Duncan Casemore take a closer look at the
consequences of a fragmented employee experience and
how the right technology can come to the rescue.
Watch the webinar now
Gartner's latest findings reveal that 81% of HR leaders express keen interest in AI. Yet, a significant obstacle stands in their way: the lack of technical expertise required for full-scale adoption.
Don’t miss this engaging Q&A session featuring Annabel Joseph, Applaud's Director of People. Annabel will personally guide you through her journey, offering candid insights into the complexities of AI implementation in HR. Through firsthand experiences, she’ll pull back the curtain on:
In this webinar, we will explore how the technology is being used in HR today, the ethical implications of using generative AI in HR and what skills you'll need to thrive in AI-driven workplace.
This playbook is your ultimate guide to navigating the AI revolution in HR service delivery with confidence, tackling common fears surrounding AI in the workplace and equipping you with practical applications for this game-changing technology.
Applaud is built on the belief that employees should have the same exceptional technology experiences inside the world of work, as they expect outside the world of work, as consumers.