
Your 2020 Business Case Template for a Workforce Experience Layer

What is a Workforce Experience Layer?

A workforce experience layer is software that seamlessly integrates existing HR systems into one, giving employees a single interface they can use to access all their HR services. It does so through an ‘experience layer’ that hides back-end systems and masks complex architectures to create streamlined user experiences and interactions.

How Workforce Experience Layers Simplify HR Technology Landscapes?

A workforce experience layer doesn’t replace any talent management or core HR solutions from an organization’s existing technology landscape. Instead, it integrates them together to create a single platform for users.

Unlike other HR solutions, workforce experience layers eradicate silos and help teams create personalized experiences for employees throughout their entire employment lifecycles, from recruitment to off-boarding.

The flexible functionality allows organizations to keep their current best-in-breed tools, whilst creating new features, such as mobile apps, to meet the ever-changing needs of employees.

What are the benefits of a workforce experience layer?

  • Productive, engaged workforces
  • Value-added HR services
  • Unified, integrated experiences
  • Streamlined cross-system workflows
  • Stronger staff retention and job-acceptance rates

Are you finding that getting buy-in support for investment can be a challenge? We can help with that!

As with any piece of HR technology, getting buy-in support for investment can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve put together a complimentary business case template for you to use which will help you rally support from the C-Suite so that you can deliver the consumer-grade employee experiences your employees expect and deserve.



Download your free business case template here.


Want to learn more about how Applaud can help?

To find out more about how Applaud can work with your existing systems to create consumer-grade experiences, visit our platform page where you can read in-depth details about some of our features.

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Published May 1, 2020 / by Applaud

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Building a Business Case for A Workforce Experience Layer

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