Providing the perfect first day for remote onboarding

Onboarding Remote Employees: Delivering a Great First Day, Virtually

To help you put together a memorable day for your new starters we’ve created a template you can use to build the agenda for their first day.

Download the virtual onboarding guide to get your hands on the first day template as well as all the other resources we’ve put together to help make your virtual onboarding seamless and memorable.

Get their feedback

As with everything you do, getting your employees’ feedback is essential. As part of the first day agenda factor in a slot at the end for a debrief of how the first day went. Give them an opportunity to ask questions and give feedback. Not only will this allow you to resolve any outstanding issues or answer any questions they have, but it will give you the opportunity to iterate and improve your onboarding process.

We’ve produced templates for each of the processes mentioned above that you can download and use for your next new starter. Simply download our virtual onboarding guide to get started.


The ultimate virtual onboarding experience

Download your free virtual onboading guide here.

Published June 10, 2020 / by Applaud

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