Help and assistance for existing Applaud clients.
Josh Bersin and Duncan Casemore take a closer look at the
consequences of a fragmented employee experience and
how the right technology can come to the rescue.
Watch the webinar now
Help and assistance for existing Applaud clients.
Josh Bersin and Duncan Casemore take a closer look at the
consequences of a fragmented employee experience and
how the right technology can come to the rescue.
Watch the webinar now
Help and assistance for existing Applaud clients.
Josh Bersin and Duncan Casemore take a closer look at the
consequences of a fragmented employee experience and
how the right technology can come to the rescue.
Watch the webinar now
Enable employees to work where and when they want with knowledge bases and self-service HR right at their fingertips. Because user experience is at the core of everything we do, the Applaud HR platform is built from the ground up with truly mobile-first design and functionality.
of employees say that mobile access to HR Systems is a priority to enhance their experience at work.
of employees say that their HR systems do not meet the same standards as the technology they use outside of work.
of employees stated their workplace was not at all effective at implementing new technologies
The last decade has seen mobile technology revolutionize the way we communicate, from smart phones to wearables and mobile apps to cloud storage. But workplace environments are still flagging behind with nearly two thirds of employees stating that the technology they use at work does not meet the standard they have become used to at home.
Empower your employees to access key knowledge bases and all of your core HR services. Grant remote workers the same access as your office-bound teams.
A consumer-grade user interface that your employees will actually enjoy using. Customized to display information from your existing systems.
Derestrict access to your entire range of HR services including leave and absence calendars, payslips and manager self-service. Find out more about HR Self-Service
A simple and secure single sign-on means your users don’t spend time resetting and retrieving passwords or raising support tickets when they can’t login.
Use 2 factor authentication to ensure your systems remain secure.
Give your employees a consistent experience across all of their devices including smart phones, tablets, laptops and desktops – brand the platform across all devices and platforms with company colours, logos and more.
Built from the ground up to be compatible with both operating systems, so your employees can use work-issued mobiles, or their own and you can deploy the Applaud app through your choice of MDM or MAM tool.
Whether your industry is retail, health care or construction, employees who don’t work from a desk represent a whole new challenge for employee engagement. Applaud Mobile HR service delivery is the only platform that offers an inclusive solution for your workforce.
Deliver the experience your employees expect with technology they can hold in the palm of their hands. Empower them with 24/7 access to knowledge bases and core HR services whether they work at a desk or not. Applaud’s platform is designed to integrate with your existing HR systems, so there’s no need to move away from the band-end functionality you already have.
See how Applaud could revolutionize the way your teams work.
Applaud is built on the belief that employees should have the same exceptional technology experiences inside the world of work, as they expect outside the world of work, as consumers.