Help and assistance for existing Applaud clients.
Josh Bersin and Duncan Casemore take a closer look at the
consequences of a fragmented employee experience and
how the right technology can come to the rescue.
Watch the webinar now
Help and assistance for existing Applaud clients.
Josh Bersin and Duncan Casemore take a closer look at the
consequences of a fragmented employee experience and
how the right technology can come to the rescue.
Watch the webinar now
Help and assistance for existing Applaud clients.
Josh Bersin and Duncan Casemore take a closer look at the
consequences of a fragmented employee experience and
how the right technology can come to the rescue.
Watch the webinar now
Industry report
Flexible working was packaged up as a privilege to encourage better employee engagement, but not a lot of thought went into replicating any of the workplace experience at home.
Fast forward to 2020. COVID-19 stormed into our lives and disrupted traditional ways of working, forcing us to re-think the employee experience. We know now that remote workers have to be more than a consideration: our employee experience needs to be remote-first.
In this guide, you’ll find new ways to measure employee experience. A clear plan, detailing what to do with those results and how to transition some of your traditional methods of measurement so that they capture accurate results for your remote, hybrid, or location-based employees.
Topics include:
“At home people have their iPhone Xs and then they go to work and they go back 20 years. Applaud closes that gap.”
Applaud is built on the belief that employees should have the same exceptional technology experiences inside the world of work, as they expect outside the world of work, as consumers.